Any idea how many brain cells are firing while you’re reading this headline?

Now imagine your brain would rewire what you want your brain to rewire.


The brain is the most underestimated cosmos on the globe

Wired is weird, when it comes to the connection between incoherent topics.

Unwired is also weird, when necessary connections are missing.

Brain Cells

The brain is one of the most underrated phenomena in the universe.

  • There is a mass of preconceptions based on long outdated knowledge of the brain. We cannot make progress in society and in our health systems as long as we classify the brain as slow.
  • The brain can make changes – in fact, these are rewiring and additional connections – within a fraction of a second.
  • If the counseling scene will one day have accepted this fact, many counseling sessions can be much more efficient and more enjoyable for the clients.

Look at your brain as a permanent construction site

Imagine every ever made connection in your brain may be extended – your brain will do so.

The brain as a permanent construction site on which new connections (= learning) can arise every minute.

Imagine the brain as a permanent construction site on which new connections (= learning) can arise every minute.